As part of the Co-Ordinated Scheme for Admissions, applications to school should be made through your Local Authority (who you pay your Council Tax to), information regarding the timetable, application process, admission criteria and appeals process are available on their Websites. The following link will take you to Calderdale Council's website. If you live within an alternative Local Authority please refer to their School Admission section on their Website.
Admissions | Calderdale CouncilWhether applying for a place to start in Reception or for in-year admissions and any appeals, parents should contact the Calderdale admissions team. Admissions | Calderdale Council
Places in our Reception cohort are offered as follows:
- In September for children who reach their fifth birthday between 1st September and 31st August.
All Saints offer the priority criteria as listed below:
1.`Child Looked After` is defined as children who are in the care of the Local Authority (in accordance with section 22 of the Children Act 1989) or children who were previously looked after but ceased to be so because they became adopted or became subject to a residence or special guardianship order.
2. Pupils who are in receipt of a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education Health Care Plan (EHCP), where All Saints CE Primary School is
named in the statement or EHCP.
3. Where the child has a sibling attending the school at the proposed date of admission.
4. Proximity of the child's permanent address to the school with those living nearer, as measured by the shortest distance, being accorded the higher priority. Distance is defined as the distance from the pupil's home to the school in a straight line as measured by Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council. Distances will be calculated using the Local Authority's GIS system (Geographical Information System). To ensure consistency applies, all measurements will be carried out by the Local Authority's GIS system and no other method of measuring distance will be considered.
The number of places available at the school is published annually and the school cannot exceed that number, which is allocated with regard to available accommodation in the school. There are 30 school places in each year group.
Please see the Headteacher's welcome here
In Year Admissions:
As part of the Co-Ordinated Scheme for Admissions, parents wishing to transfer a child to the school after moving into the neighbourhood during the school year, or without changing their address, will need to complete an In-Year Application Form through their Local Authority. A decision about places should then be issued within 15 school days. The following link will take you to Calderdale Council's website. If you live within an alternative Local Authority please refer to their School Admission section on their Website.
In-year transfers | Calderdale Council
The Local Authority Admissions Department will keep a pool of names of unsuccessful applicants where parents wish their names to be held in case of places becoming available (these will be ranked according to the criteria which are outlined for Reception above).
Appeals for school admissions | Calderdale Council
Appeals Timetable:
For applications made in the normal admissions round, appeals must be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals.
For Late applications, appeals should be heard within 40 school days from the deadline for lodging appeals where possible, or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.
For In-Year applications appeals should be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.
Click here to visit our Policies page where you will find links to the Admissions Policies.